Yoga Ball Stretches

Helpful stretches using a yoga ball

Two easy stretches to help loosen the chest and the back in the thoracic region includes a yoga ball. They sell these balls for approximately twenty dollars that comes with the ball and pump and they have the size right on the box, you just pick the size is applicable to you. Then what you do is about three times a week every other day or even every third day to stretch everything is you get down on your knees, and this is easiest if you put your arms over the ball, rest your chin down on the ball and all you do is you push with your legs and let your body roll around it. You get to a point where you’re hanging like this, you keep your feet separated, your arms and head should be totally relaxed and you can feel the tension stretch out of the back. You lay like this for anywhere from half a minute to 3 minutes, whatever is comfortable and you should feel a pull from your mid-back down your hips. You don’t want to go past what’s comfortable, if it begins to hurt stop doing it. When you’re done you just walk the ball back. Now get on your knees, grab the ball and you can use the ball to stand up that will stretch your back lower back shoulders. Then you walk around the ball and sit on the edge of the ball, and all you do is roll back on the ball. For people that get lightheaded or dizzy, they want to watch going too far back. Hang there for half a minute to minute and stabilize with your legs. When you’re done, bring the arms down and roll up on the ball and come to the sitting position in the ball. That will stretch the mid-back, low back and chest.

Stay tuned next week for more health and wellness tips!

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