Carpal Tunnel Stretches

Stretches for those working at computers or with their hands

Here are a couple stretches that are very simple to do that will help prevent a lot of carpal tunnel. Because a lot of us are using computers and keyboards, we get pain in the neck shoulder and you can get pain down the arm and into the hand with carpal tunnel. It not only affects the hands and the arms but also can cause a lot of shoulder pain. One of the best stretches for carpal tunnel is to lock your arms straight out don’t bend it, grab your fingertips with the other arm and pull back hard. Do that 5 – 15 seconds then always do the other hand, whether it’s symptomatic or not. Just lock your elbow and pull back hard again, counting 5-  15 seconds and relax and you’re done. You want to do that stretch at least a dozen times a day when you think of it, in particular if you have been using the keyboard a lot or you’ve been grasping a lot. Do that about dozen times a day and that should help prevent the development of carpal tunnel.

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